Why ChatGPT will profoundly transform every marketing career, starting now

Mark Schaefer
13 min readDec 8, 2022

I am a person who explores the edges. I experiment with every new technology so I can be a better consultant, teacher, and author. I recently plugged into something that gave me the same feeling as the electric moment I connected to the internet for the first time. It will change everything in social media and content creation. It will change everything in marketing, forever.

About six years ago I attended a presentation at SXSW and saw an entire movie script written by artificial intelligence (AI). It was both beautiful and stunning. When would this technology creep into our everyday social media experiences? Until now, this sophisticated AI only existed in the complex world of coders and developers. But with the introduction of a new, user-friendly interface, anybody has access to this breathtaking technology. One million people signed up for ChatGPT by OpenAI in five days last week.

OpenAI is a research laboratory dedicated to creating artificial general intelligence (AGI) that can benefit humanity. Their mission is to ensure that AGI is developed safely and responsibly and that its benefits are as widely and evenly distributed as possible. They are one of the leading organizations in the field of AI research, and its work has the potential to revolutionize many areas of society, from…



Mark Schaefer

Keynote speaker, marketing strategy consultant, Rutgers U faculty and author of 10 books including KNOWN, Marketing Rebellion, and Belonging to the Brand!