In the pandemic, I see a small circle of light.

Mark Schaefer
3 min readSep 10, 2020

I was on a live discussion with Author/Philosopher Tom Morris last week and he noted that the first definition of “corona” in the dictionary is, “a small circle of light.”

While I am certainly not in a place to reflect fondly on this bizarre and tragic COVID era, I’m settling into the “new normal” routine and can begin to see some positives of my current situation.

My small circle of light today includes:

  • I’m alive. I survived a COVID scare and have a new (healthier?) view of my own mortality.
  • Appreciation of routine. I have not had a routine for years. Maybe ever. My schedule has always been too wild and unpredictable as I jaunt around the world on the speaking circuit. I’ve learned to like a stable flow of life. We have dinner at 7. What a concept.
  • Two years ago my blood pressure was starting to get a little high. I had to take a medication to keep it under control. My life has slowed way down and I’ve been able to cut back (and perhaps cut out) the meds. I’m spending more time exercising, working in the garden (aka the squirrel feeder), and enjoying the majestic beauty of East Tennessee.
  • Getting off the road has easily doubled my personal productivity. SO MUCH of my time was wasted in airports and jets and…



Mark Schaefer

Keynote speaker, marketing strategy consultant, Rutgers U faculty and author of 10 books including KNOWN, Marketing Rebellion, and Belonging to the Brand!